Our doctors have created this informative blog to help educate the community.
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What Bumps Are Normal in Your Mouth?
Posted on 9/16/2024 by SRD Muscle Shoals
Have you ever discovered a bump in your mouth and wondered if it was something to worry about? While it's natural to feel concerned, it's important to remember that not all bumps are created equal. In fact, many bumps in the mouth are completely normal and harmless. However, some bumps can be... Read more...
Why Dentists Use Suction During Your Appointment
Posted on 9/2/2024 by SRD Muscle Shoals
Have you ever wondered why that long, thin tube keeps following you around during your dental appointment? It's not just for show: that's the dental suction, and it plays a crucial role in keeping you comfortable and safe while the dentist works their magic. More Than Just Spit: What Dental... Read more...
How Cavities Can Come from Getting Braces
Posted on 8/15/2024 by SRD Muscle Shoals
Getting braces is an exciting time for many people. It means straighter teeth and a more confident smile. But with all the excitement, it's important to remember that braces also require extra care to prevent cavities. Why Are Braces More Prone to Cavities? Braces create more nooks and... Read more...
Dental Blog - Muscle Shoals, AL • Singing River Dentistry Our team at Singing River Dentistry has created this informative blog to help educate the community. Click here to learn about procedures, home care, and more! Singing River Dentistry, 2402 Avalon Ave, Suite A, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 + 256-712-3186 + muscleshoals.singingriverdentistry.com + 10/13/2024 + Page Phrases: dentist Muscle Shoals AL +